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Foredrag ved Ib Kok Hansen

7. december 2023 kl. 08.57

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100 kr. for medlemmer og 200 kr. for gæster.

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Join us for an enlightening evening as Anders Nielsen presents his captivating talk, "Ethiopian Three-Point Journey." This unique presentation delves into Anders' extensive travels across Ethiopia, exploring the rich tapestry of landscapes, cultures, and histories that define this ancient land. From the towering peaks of the Simien Mountains to the mystical depths of the Danakil Depression, Anders shares his experiences and insights into Ethiopia's diverse ecosystems.

The journey doesn't stop at natural wonders; it also highlights Ethiopia's historical and cultural treasures, including the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, the ancient obelisks of Axum, and the vibrant traditions of the Omo Valley tribes. Through his vivid storytelling and breathtaking photographs, Anders brings to life the spirit of Ethiopia, offering a rare glimpse into the country's past and present.

This lecture is a must-attend for anyone fascinated by Ethiopia's enchanting beauty, its resilience, and its pivotal role in both African and world history. Whether you're a seasoned traveler, a history enthusiast, or simply curious about the world, "Ethiopian Three-Point Journey" promises an unforgettable exploration of one of Africa's most fascinating countries.

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