DI Frontier Market Energy & Carbon Fund is an investment fund with a unique focus on renewable energy power projects in less developed emerging markets in Sub-Saharan Africa with the main focus on Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The investor base includes European and African institutional investors and Development Finance Institutions.
Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) has fathered and supported the establishment of the Fund.
Scan-Shipping Africa offer global freight and transport solutions with a special focus on Africa.
With 28 offices worldwide we offer a truly global service and act as a one-stop-shop for all of Africa.
We are specialists in all logistics requirements for Africa with particular expertise within the verticals of mining, construction as well as aid & relief.
The Africa team is managed from the Copenhagen head-office by CEO Jens Pain Risgaard with 25 years of Africa experience including extensive travels on the continent and based in South Africa from 2005 to 2020.
Scandinavian Tobacco Group is a world leading manufacturer of cigars and traditional pipe tobacco with approximately 7,600 employees. The Group has 17 sales offices in North America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia, and sells to more than 100 countries around the world. In Africa, the largest markets are Nigeria and South Africa.
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